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Pandemic Pictures - 5/10/2020 to 3/14/2021

101 20200520PrCarla.jpg

Pastor Carla

201 20210110_ChurchDoor.jpg
202 20210110_ChurchDoor2.jpg

Reorganizing Church due to COVID

203 20200831_135809.jpg
204 20200831_135836.jpg
205 20210110_MasksTermonitor.jpg
206 20200831_152858.jpg
207 20200831 1.jpg
208 20200829_115251.jpg
209 20200829_115306.jpg
210 20200829_115316.jpg
211 20200831 3.jpg
212 20200831 21.jpg
213 20210110_Sanctuary.jpg
301 20201005BlessingPets.jpg

Blessing of the pets

401 20201108Sanctuary.jpg
402 20201225ChristmasTree.jpg
601 20210110VirtualCoffeeHour.jpg


Virtual Coffee Hour

501 20201011 VirtualSS.jpg

Virtual Sunday School

502 20201025VirtualSS.jpg
702 20210103SundayWorshipAtHome.jpg

Virtual Service

701 20200726VirtualService.jpg
801 20200719_142038.jpg

Drive Up Communion

802 20200719_142147.jpg
804 .jpg
805 20210110 drive up communion.jpg
806 20210110 IMG_7743.jpg
807 0210110_135030.jpg
808 20210110_135035.jpg
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20210307 (4).jpg

In Church Service - 3/7/2021

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Rachael's Sermon - 3/14/2021

20210314Rachael (2).jpg
20210314Rachael (3).jpg
20210314Rachael (4).jpg
20210314Rachael (5).jpg
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